What a wild ride! "The Velveteen Rabbit" was such a fun way to end my second to last semester at Pace, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Although a published play, we did take a devised approach to the piece and it ended up being so perfect. I had so much fun working with my incredible cast, crew, and team, and we all definitely were able to get into the Christmas spirit right on time with this wacky show. Here are a few photos from the production, more photos and video to be posted soon! Photography by Jennifer McMahon

Photo featuring: Gaby Vallejos, Josh Marcks, Joey Goldman, Zach Carter, Alec Kirazian, Keleigh Principi

Photo featuring: Annalise Wedemeyer, Lucca de Oliveria, DazMann Still, Keleigh Principi

Photo featuring: Annalise Wedemeyer, Keleigh Principi