There was not a dry eye in the room, audience or cast/crew, last night as we closed dust to dust. This show was so incredibly special to all of us who were a part of making it, and there is so much of each and every one of us in the show itself. Although we definitely feel like this was a first presentation, and not completely finished, we received glowing reviews and even thanks from people in the audience who were affected. One that particularly struck me was one audience member's friend had recently lost their life in a tragic accident, and the audience member didn't even know what the show was about but came and was completely affected by it, saying it was exactly what she needed. It was so incredible to hear these things from so many people about a show that means so much to us already! Here's a sneak peek of some of our production photos! Check back soon for video footage and more photos.

Cydnie Hampton, Tyler Crosby, Brianna Janoczkin.

MaryKathryn Alford.

Cydnie Hampton, Ryan Beaghler.

Jackie Meissner, Lucca de Oliveira.